Friday, February 5, 2010

The reason for me to live

Have you ever ask yourself what is the reason for you to be in this world? Well, this question suddenly appear in my mind after I pray last night before I go to bed. At first, the reason for me to live is because of my boyfriend but then I realize that if we broke up, what is my reason to live then? and I am not gonna stand on the top of the building and then jump down.. NO WAY!!.. After thinking a while then I got my answer that had made me cry. The answer is simple "MY FAMILY". Because without them I will never be able to experience the life better.As for me my father is my braveness, my mother is my heart,my sister is my shelter and my brothers is my strength. Thus, that is why I can stand confidently on my own because I have the brave heart to face the world,a shelter and a shoulder to cry on and I also have the strength to face the fear and sadness.I knew that one day it will be my turn to reply their good deed and I can't wait for it. They completed my life. "Thank you lord for the greatest people that u have choose to be by my side as my family. Who will never leave me and I believe that they will always be there to support and encourage me to achieve my goal of life. Bless them with your spirit and never leave them when ever they need you. Amen."