Sunday, January 17, 2010

Extensive use of mobile phone can cause health problem

A study by the disease research center in Florida found that a mobile phone can cause cancer. The radiation from the mobile phone can harm the human's health. This is because part of the radio waves are absorbed by the human's head. the radio waves has a power up to 2 watts and some mobile phone has a transmit power up to 3.6 watts. This is very dangerous to human health if its continued for a long time. The cancer will damage the patients brain and makes the patients has a short-term memory. Besides that, the mobile phone radiator may also makes some of the mobile phone are unable to sleep during the night. If this happen they will never have an enough bed time or rest time that every human being needs. Human being must have enough sleep at night to stay healthy and makes their brain fresh every morning. In a conclusion, we should minimize the used of our mobile phone. Remember, do not put your mobile phone under your pillow because the radiation of the mobile phone will disturb the brain for having a rest. Stay healthy, stay positive.