Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Weird thing that happen in my hometown

This is interesting and very weird story that i just heard from my father. If there is a newborn baby in the certain area around Kota Belud the parents of the baby will keep the umbilical cord. They used to call it a "Tembuni" in their language. As soon as the baby born they took the umbilical cord and fold it with a black cloth. After that the parent then will search a strategic place to buried the umbilical cord. They will buried in a ground that no one will passed there and habitually under a tree. If there is anybody had step the things they believed that the person will get sick. The parents will buried the umbilical cord along with their precious thing such as gold ring. They must make sure that the umbilical cord is buried safely and correctly. because they believe that the way they buried it will affected the child's attitude.
If the umbilical cord buried unsafely the child will become stubborn and rude person. until now some of the family still believe this like my grandmother and my father. My father said he did the same thing to me and all my siblings. So i guest my father had buried it perfectly because none of my sibling is rude and stubborn we always respect each other.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

women should carry mobile phone

Women likes to gossiping. When women are gathering together they will talk about a lot of things and some times they do not realize that they had been talking too long and forget to do their job on time especially the house wives. Some of the house wives being too much talking to their friends until they do not realize that its time to prepare for her family a lunch or maybe a dinner. They are wasting too much time for doing that activity every single day. If they have a mobile phone, they do not need to go and see each other often. They can talk to each other through the phone. They can also do other job such as cooking and cleaning the house while they are talking to the phone. As a conclusion, women must know how to use the mobile phone in the right way without wating so many time talking and gossiping about other people.

Mobile phone are the bane of society

A men has been arrested by the police for having a lot of dirty movies in his mobile phone. we can see that nowadays people are using technology in a bad way. They used it for doing a criminal job such as downloading a dirty movies or pictures from the internet or any sources for influencing many people especially children. As we all know, children are the easier target because children is easy to be influenced. The sad thing is they are using them to make a profit. If children are addicted to see this dirty movie they will have the feelings to do it just like what they saw. Some of them are willing to steal in order to get the new resources. If this is continually happen we must be worried about what other country think about our nation. In this case we can conclude that, children are our future generation. We must do something from now on and don't just sit there and watch.

Extensive use of mobile phone can cause health problem

A study by the disease research center in Florida found that a mobile phone can cause cancer. The radiation from the mobile phone can harm the human's health. This is because part of the radio waves are absorbed by the human's head. the radio waves has a power up to 2 watts and some mobile phone has a transmit power up to 3.6 watts. This is very dangerous to human health if its continued for a long time. The cancer will damage the patients brain and makes the patients has a short-term memory. Besides that, the mobile phone radiator may also makes some of the mobile phone are unable to sleep during the night. If this happen they will never have an enough bed time or rest time that every human being needs. Human being must have enough sleep at night to stay healthy and makes their brain fresh every morning. In a conclusion, we should minimize the used of our mobile phone. Remember, do not put your mobile phone under your pillow because the radiation of the mobile phone will disturb the brain for having a rest. Stay healthy, stay positive.

Primary school student should be allowed to carry mobile phones to school

Because of the cheapest price and some can be bought by paying every month, mobile phone can be owned by every one. Mobile phone can be owned from every stage of ages. Mobile phone bring many benefit to the user. Because of the technology now is very sophisticated the mobile phone come in many types,sizes and lower prizes. Its make people connected to the easier way and fast. Especially for the parents to stay connected with their children. They need to know what,where and with whom theirs children hang out. Primary school student must be allowed to bring mobile phone to school because it is one of the reasons to take care of their children. Teachers in school cannot handle all of their students in one time and if their students is in a emergency during school hour they can directly inform their parents. In a conclusion, even do the students can bring mobile phone to school they must know their limit to use the phone during lectures hour.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Mobile phone have made a big difference in our daily lives

Nowadays, people who does not have any mobile phone will be ashamed by their friends. Mobile phone is more cheaper and comes with many types, shapes and color. Besides that the top up credit is also can be get at any amount unlike before there is only RM30 and above. Mobile phone makes our life more easier. we no need to find a public phone to make a call. all we need to do is take out the mobile phone and call a number. We can also save our credit by using a short message system (SMS)to be connected with our friends and family. In a conclusion, people needs a mobile phone to stay connected with their friends and family in the easier way. Technology is having more improvement then before and we need to be updated with all the things that happen around us.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

All about Me....

I was born on 4th March 1991 at 8:00 pm in Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Josephine Mastili is my name. They call me pepen at home. I have six siblings including me. The first one is my sister, Biby Mastili. She has been married and now she has 2 little children. The second one is my oldest brother, Erick Will Mastili. He is also married and already had one two years old son. The third one is me. The fourth one is my brother, Eddy Will Mastili. He is still in form 3 at SMK Sanzac, Sembulan. The fifth one, Elson Will Mastili he is still schooling at SRK Secret Heart and the youngest one is still in primary one also at the same school. I am just a simple person.
I start my education at Shan Tao Kindergarten for 1 year. Then I continued my study at SRJK ( c ) Shan Tao. After primary school I then moved to Secondary school which is at SM Tinggi Kota Kinabalu from form 1 until form 5. Then I further my study to University Technology Mara (UiTM) by taking diploma in banking.
I love blue color so much because blue color makes me feel calm and confident when I saw it. I also love to listen to the music especially Indonesian music because I admire their voice so much. The ‘K-BOX’ machine will be on the top of my list if I am going out with my friends because I love singing. I am a friendly person and that’s why I have many friends and I’ll always avoid making enemy. But we cannot make all people to like us must be there is somebody who are feel not uncomfortable with our attitude even do we are trying to be nice with them.
What I hate most is a person who selfish. They always think about theirselves without thinking about other person’s feeling. Hypocrite people will always make me feel annoyed. They are nice in front of you but behind you they stab u at the back. Spicy food is not my taste. My mouth will become red and my ear will become hot. Maybe I am allergy with spicy food.
I wanted to continued my study to the higher level like bachelor or maybe PhD. I wanted to have a better life in the future for having a good career with a great income, a big house, big car and a big happy family with my soul mate. I hope that my dream will come true and I will always pray for that.